Hi, my name is Lara!
I am a certified coach, a Health Law graduate, an amateur fashion- and interior stylist and a lover of food, culture and exploring. Oh, and I moved to Canada, froze my butt off for 4 years in Ottawa, ON ;) and have since relocated to Vancouver, BC.
I know firsthand that only changing your circumstances are just a ‘quick fix’. Moving to Canada didn’t magically help me figure out who I was and what I wanted to do in life. I had to look within myself and re-connect with my inner voice. And it was only after taking responsibility for myself, working with a life coach and taking action that I was able to make a lasting change.
I went from feeling like running around in circles, constant self-doubt, having no energy and feeling unfulfilled in my career to knowing what I truly want for myself and taking tiny (and some big) steps in that direction. I wake up everyday with this deeper knowing, that what I’m doing in this moment and what I’m working towards, is exactly what I should be doing.
I since have started and completed CTI’s coaching program and became a certified coach. I now support others in their quest and coach each person in a different and unique way. Just like every person is different and unique. I support them by listening on a deeper level, asking (hard) questions and by showing profound curiosity. This way they are able to embrace their uniqueness and create the life they want while living it confidently.
*By CTI (Co-Active® Training Institute), accredited by ICF (International Coach Federation)