As the weather here is slowly transitioning from Winter to Spring, I can’t help but feel that’s not the only transition going on. Change can be a scary thing and, I have to admit, I have a love/hate relationship with it. On the one hand I LOVE change, but on the other hand, I want to keep everything as it is. Contradiction much?
Often with change comes doubt, insecurities, and possibly some (or a lot of) stress. Which is understandable, transitioning often means doing new things, stretching yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone. A new rhythm has to be created. And although I still haven’t figured out the ‘perfect’ way to handle change (and I guess that will never really happen), I’ve found some ways to get a better grip or even thrive on these periods of change in my life.
Keep/integrate (a part of) your routine or habit. That a certain part of your life has changed, doesn’t mean that your whole life should be upside down. Try to figure out what kind of habits or routines you had and really enjoyed before the change. Continue to do these things or integrate it into your new life. For example, when you move to another city or country you have to deal with a lot of new things. Technically your whole life changed. Check in to see what kind of things you loved to do in your home city/country and find a way to integrate these things in your new life. Did you love reading books? Maybe look for a book-club to join. Did you love doing yoga? Try out a yoga class at the nearest yoga center. This way you’ll bring a piece of habit with you.
Start your day with writing down what you appreciate about this change. You can even add what you’re grateful for in your life in general. Focussing on the positive aspect or outcome of the change (maybe even from a perspective that the positive result already has come true) will help you pay less attention to the stress or doubt it brings. And since you’re actively paying attention to the positive aspects, your perspective will change. A change of perspective often helps to overcome the mountains you’re seeing. Because instead of looking up to the mountain and seeing the whole climb ahead of you, it now might be possible to look down from the top!
Build in a 5-10 meditation session. I’ve never been much of a meditator, but a month ago I decided to give it a go. And I have to admit, it really helps me to build in a moment of quiet and peace. After the session, I feel like I can handle more and can keep my stress to a manageable level. It keeps me grounded. I’m using the app Waking Up from Sam Harris and I really enjoy it. But there are many other apps out there, so I’m sure you’ll find one that is to your liking.
Of course, you will have good days but, you will still have some bad days. Even though you’ve tried everything and more, you can't help but have this overwhelmed feeling. And that’s totally fine. Accept that some days are better than others, and be extra kind to yourself on that day. Just take it one day at a time. Your tomorrow will be and feel different!